is about my involvement with handmade crafts.
I'm always short on words because I know anyone who
may visit and take the time to read this doesn't have time for a lengthy post, therefore this will be short and sweet.
been making handmade items for years, since I was fourteen ~ make that many,
many years I've been making handmade items!
Handmade by me |
give all my work away, I've never sold anything. Too scared mostly and
everything I do has been done before, so who would want to buy my stuff. I love giving my stuff away and I would never give anything that I wasn't truly happy with.
Sewing is a breeze for me and not much of a challenge, so I find I'm moving more towards drawing and painting (Oil) and I know that the only way I'm going to improve is to practice and one day I hope my paintings will be as much a breeze for me as my sewing is now.
Like I said in my post yesterday, I am
very grateful to have found so many clever internet people. I have paid for and
mostly enjoyed hours of tutorials on painting and drawing and I've enjoyed sharing my
efforts ~ however humble they may be.
Handpainted by me |
So for today, my point is all things
handmade make me happy, especially if I'm the maker.