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29 September, 2012

Scavenger Hunt - A Solitary Tree

Linking up to Deb's weekly photographic challenge at Ramblings of a Square Peg in a Round Hole

These glorious trees are within a short walk from my home. With trusty camera in hand when I come across something so beautiful I just have to capture it.  Not always easy with two hyper-active dogs on a lead.  These photos were taken last year in Autumn. 

The dying Gum tree still stands grandly.  I wish I could see the same view from this tree that the Rainbow Parrots were enjoying the other day.

22 September, 2012

Scavenger Hunt ~ On My Shelf

Well, I've lost my dinky camera so I've had to resort to my iphone for the photo challenge today.  Maybe my camera is somewhere on one of these shelves.  Hopefully it will show up when it's good and ready, I know it's in the house somewhere.

My Bear and Book collection 

The shelf in the Loo

The only orderly shelf in my Craft Room

My softies resting on a shelf guarding one of my very amateur paintings

A messy corner shelf displaying creations by me, the 'Wanna Bee Artist'

Linking up to Deb's weekly photographic challenge at Ramblings of a Square Peg in a Round Hole

15 September, 2012

Scavenger Hunt ~ What Happened At 6 O'clock

The evening sky puts on a beautiful display after a lovely Spring day.  The cold seeps in and it's time to close the windows and doors, draw the curtains and turn on the heater for the day is coming to an end.

The 6 pm view from my backyard

It's time for the little ones to come in from the cold and rest up after the exhausting events of the day.  
Goldie and Lilly say goodnight dear visitors.

Linking up to Deb's weekly photographic challenge at Ramblings of a Square Peg in a Round Hole

09 September, 2012

In My Garden Today

~~Pink with a dash of Purple~~

I've got a half acre of garden to look after ~ here's one corner

My garden would never be complete without lovely lavender

This is my beautiful nectarine tree just starting to blossom

These dashing daisies worship the sun

Photographic Scavenger Hunt - linking up to Deb at Ramblings of a Square Peg in a Round Hole

Thanks Deb ~ happy, happy weekend everyone

                                                                                     Source: via Golden Lilly Crafts on Pinterest