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31 August, 2012

My Little Empathy Monster

This strange creature is a result of an on-line class I did with Tamara Laporte over at Willowing Love.  I'm enrolled in several of her classes and the Empathy Monster is part of her Art, Heart and Healing course which is free.  I gave little guy to a special friend and she named him Maximilian.  Max has lots of hugs to give and I'm sure he's happy in his new home.

Whilst sewing is not a new craft for me, drawing is and I love the challenges I face every time I pick up a pencil or paintbrush.  I just wish drawing and painting was as easy for me as pushing material through a sewing machine.

See what I mean ~ there's always room for improvement.  Whoever said that was very wise.


  1. Thanks Chris!

    I love your colors and are very creative. (And your profile picture, you looks so pretty) love,andrea

  2. I love your monster - it's really cute! :)

  3. What an array of colors on your empathy monster! I love him Chris and what a nice gift to give!

  4. I thought your little creature is just beaut Chris. Max will be loved by his new owner for sure.
    Beaut drawing too. I'm just starting to pick up my pencils and paintbrushes and, wow, so enjoyable!


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