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14 June, 2011

I just love you Google Chrome. Google Chrome has saved my sanity.

I'm not an IT expert but I know my way around a computer and some of the other high-end stuff and I've been going okay with all the techie elements of posting and design for my blog, but I have been having so much trouble leaving comments to my favourite bloggers.  

I would have thought this was one of the easiest tasks to do -  but not so for me.  I've spent hours leaving comments, then getting bumped out and made to sign in and this became an ongoing saga.  I just kept blaming myself, but couldn't work out what I was doing wrong.  

I'd walk away, come back and every now and then I'd successfully leave a comment.  Then I'd try again another day and the computer would scream at me "We don't know who you are!"  "Sign in"

After one very tearful evening, I had a brain wave, it must be the browser, I know what I'm doing.  So that's when I put Google Chrome to work, and not a problem since.  I think Google Chrome has saved me two to three hours a day.  I'm over the moon.  I can get on with this blogging stuff now.  

Still talking to myself - unfortunately.

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