My friend Jodie from Ric Rac is a pattern maker of many things, in particular soft toys and even more particularly she makes very small things. I have made two of her tiny teapot pin cushions, (as well as heaps of her other stuff) they make perfect gifts for friends, pins included. I think I'll blog about that effort and give Jodie another shout out, another day. There's a pattern here (pardon the pun) but I am repeating myself.
Well, it really is best to visit Jodie's blog to see all that she is doing for the Red Nose Day Doll project. You won't believe the things she gets up to unless you take a peek yourself at Ric Rac, never a dull post, that's for sure.
I love the idea Jodie's gal friends have come up with, Emma Mitchell and Ros Badger and you can see and read all about their fundraising project here at Red Nose Day Dolls FB page.
Another lovely blog to read is the Red Nose Day Dolls Blog, really cute and full of fun and happiness.
Below is an amazing YouTube video you just have to watch and if you like it, why not click the 'Like' button there too.
How clever is this video?
Karen Boatwright must be one of the most patient souls on this planet.
I love it so much and keep watching it over and over.
Cheers from me here